Amy Heirman

Janet has been a trusted advisor to us for over ten years. Her unique approach to coaching differentiates her from other coaches, as she incorporates the advanced certifications  and training into her coaching engagements which provides the coachee with an experience that is uncommon in coaching.  She is highly intuitive and has the innate ability to be fully present for her clients.  Janet has worked closely with our HR/LD team to support the individuals she’s coaching and provide feedback/support of our coaching program.  She’s built strong relationships with the rest of coach cadre and has been a strong advocate of our work.
Janet has coached our high potential Directors as part of our Rise program, a curriculum built to increase their readiness to take on the next level of leadership.  She has also been one of our go-to coaches for our Managing Director and VP level leaders.
There are three main goals our executive coaching program:
  • Leaders gain insight and self-awareness about how they’re showing up as leaders with their teams and peers.
  • Through this awareness, the leader and their team reaches heightened levels of performance.
  • Improve and accelerate leaders’ readiness for the next level of leadership.
We have predominantly assigned coaches to leaders who are on a trajectory to be promoted into a senior level role within a short timeframe.  We want to increase their readiness by ensuring they’ve had the support necessary to grow and develop in the roles they are currently in.  In other instances, we have high potential leaders who are struggling with relationships with peers or their team and need a coaching intervention to better understand how they can manage the situation better.  Sustained developmental growth of the individual is a key driver of engaging a leader with an executive coach.
We choose Janet as one of go-to coaches for her high level of experience, the quality of the coaching she provides, her dedication to the relationships she builds with her clients and the growth and impact that comes from her coaching engagements.
Janet has partnered with Amy to support countless leaders at United Airlines since 2009.