
These tools support the deep and real work with the leadership coaching and team building engagements by:
  • Encouraging personal growth…through insights and reflection
  • Promoting transformational conversations
  • Improving working relationships
  • Strengthening performance
The Leadership Circle Profile® 360
With the Universal Model of leadership as its foundation, The Leadership Circle Profile 360 Integrates the best theory and research on leadership, human, and spiritual development. It radically shifts our understanding of what extraordinary leadership is and champions its development, from the inside, out.
Most 360° profiles focus on either Management Style and Personality, Competencies, or Underlying Tendencies. The Leadership Circle Profile combines all three of these areas into one comprehensive, accessible tool.
A global assessment with hundreds of thousands of users, the LCP360 is changing the global mindset of leadership.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
MBTI is the Myers-Briggs type indicator; the most widely used personality inventory in the world, with more than 3.5 million assessments administered each year.
Personality, for the purpose of the test, includes the behavior, traits and character of an individual based on the theories developed by the psychologist Carl Jung. One of the principles of Jung’s model, “Psychological Types,” is that each of us has an innate urge to grow and part of our growth comes from understanding, individually, how we operate in the world. Experiencing MBTI offers a rare opportunity for self-reflection and self-understanding as well as a new way to appreciate others’ unique gifts.
About 80% of Fortune 100 companies rely on these types of tests to build stronger, more effective teams and healthier organizations.
Conversational Intelligence® Catalyst Tools
Through over 30 years of experience in corporate organizational communication, the suite of Catalyst tools create a method of co-regulation for promoting better connections with each other.
This ‘quick study’ tool unlocks the patterns of conversations and provides a cultural fingerprint of how people at work engage with each other. Understanding how your conversational patterns impact your ability to influence healthy conversations in your life is pivotal to your present and future success.
The ability to work together interdependently is one of our least developed skills, yet our most vital on an evolutionary scale. This tool provides you with a snapshot of behaviors and conversations that are driving trust or eroding trust in your workplace. This tool can be used with a few people or with thousands of people to determine what actions you can take to elevate TRUST at work.
The DNA Catalyst ToolTM is a way of illuminating new insights about your organizations strengths, developmental needs, patterns, and themes across the CHANGES framework. These insights will activate growth and co-creation, and will enable people to work together with higher levels of success. CreatingWE® Index highlights the conversational competencies that are needed to cultivate a nourishing, thriving WE-centric conversational environment during change – a vital step on your journey toward greatness!